Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Abercrombie Fitch an Upscale Sporting Goods Retailer Becomes a Leader in Trendy Apparel Essay Example For Students

Abercrombie Fitch: an Upscale Sporting Goods Retailer Becomes a Leader in Trendy Apparel Essay Abercrombie Fitch: An Upscale Sporting Goods Retailer Becomes a Leader in Trendy Apparel Kevin Feldpausch Strayer University Bus 499 Professor Toiya Evans July 22, 2010 ? 1. Recognize and depict the best ecological dangers that have prompt ramifications for A F. Abercrombie and Fitch has been a pioneer in the retail style business for a long time and have showcased their garments line to speak to a more youthful gathering of individuals for the most part in secondary school and school. They were accused of a claim asserting that their laborers and models were predominately tall, thin, gorgeous white individuals. This could be viewed as a danger since they were not recruiting anybody of another race. I feel like this could hurt theirs deals and at last give them the notoriety of a being a bigot organization. 2. Recognize and portray the best open doors accessible in the commercial center for AF to seek after. Abercrombie and Fitch was hit hard during the downturn and would not offer lower costs and limits like their rivals did. As of late they have presented another inventory, still somewhat indecent as their indexes were previously, yet AF feels that the introduction will be useful for the organization. AF has likewise improved its dress variety to offer more determination and brought down costs and cut expenses. This could be simply the opportunity that they have to set up themselves as a lower evaluated retailer to recapture a portion of their clients who may shop somewhere else for a superior deal, for example, American Eagle and Aeropostale. 3. Recognize and portray AF’s most noteworthy authoritative qualities. Abercrombie Fitch’s most prominent hierarchical quality is their garments line. They are notable everywhere throughout the world and offer to youthful purchasers. They have marked themselves as a pioneer in the style business and purchasers will in general see Abercrombie garments as best in class in design. Abercrombie employs youthful, attractive individuals for their stores and makes them wear their garments while working. At the point when clients enter the store they see the garments on the partners and this is a decent method to show their most up to date attire line. They have a successful showcasing procedure by showing their garments on the partners and furthermore with the lists that certainly make consideration. 4. Distinguish and portray the company’s most noteworthy shortcomings. The company’ most prominent shortcoming is the significant expense of their dress and their constrained client base. AF’s garments is more expensive than a significant number of its contending stores. It is seen as being overrated. The vast majority of AF’s stores are situated in shopping centers and are in close rivalry with opponents, for example, American Eagle or Aeropostale, which both offer comparable attire at a lower cost. Their client base is centered around secondary school and school matured purchasers who are slender and attractive. These are the individuals they market to and this limits the quantity of purchasers for their garments. 5. Depict how AF’s qualities can be utilized to avoid natural dangers to promote the company’s achievement in the business. Abercrombie Fitch has a strong money related and showcase position in the business and this could assist them with pushing in front of the opposition. In spite of the fact that they have had some negative exposure before, with claims of being a supremacist organization, poor selections of trademarks on their shirts, and sexual promotions and indexes, they appear to conquer this and keep on developing. It appears the terrible exposure has not prevented buyers from purchasing their garments since they have marked themselves in the business just like a pioneer in the most popular trend. 6. Portray how AF’ qualities can be utilized to make the most of chances to encourage the company’s accomplishment in the business. .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .postImageUrl , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:hover , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:visited , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:active { border:0!important; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:active , .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:hover { haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469 f63cf46d4ec .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ud94f1e89eb6f1f65fb469f63cf46d4ec:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet: Contrast Plays A Major Role EssayThe quality of having gained notoriety for quality apparel is going to set Abercrombie separated from others in the design retail industry. Their showcasing technique in the past has went under overwhelming analysis for being to sexual, particularly since they are attempting to interest a more youthful gathering of individuals. Be that as it may, this has just made the Abercrombie Fitch name progressively alluring. The manner in which they market to their purchasers appears to work well indeed and they are proceeding to do as such. Considering the style and nature of dress AF offers, their clients are eager to follow through on the greater expense since they have an inclination that they need to wear the brand and have the â€Å"look† of Abercrombie. This is the explanation that Abercrombie Fitch will remain the pioneer in industry and keep on developing. ? References www. zimbio. com/Abercrombie+and+Fitch+Clothing/articles/LLQljU8UVsp/abercrombie +polos+Abercrombie+Clothing+070ces www. cbsnews. com www. usatoday. com www. wikiswot. com/SWOT/7_Apparel/Abercrombie___Fitch. html

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Softball, not only a sport but my life. free essay sample

Life resembles a game. The exertion you set up as a regular occurrence are the outcome you find in the last occasion. There are the two positives and negatives, yet I have found that when things are adverse is the point at which you gain proficiency with the most and develop as a player and as an individual. In any game you have individuals that will impact you that are on you group and your adversaries. I have discovered that once you get passed the impediments, you thrive as an individual. To me softball just hasn’t been a game it has been my life and now and again all I truly needed to anticipate. All through center school softball truly wasn’t my thing however once I got into secondary school it transformed into my game the main thing I needed to do. It was the main game that had tested me intellectually and caused me to learn genuine exercises too. We will compose a custom exposition test on Softball, a game as well as my life. or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page My first year was the hardest year of my life particularly the start. My stone the individual I turned upward to had gotten remarried and was moving out of the state to West Virginia. My father leaving had affected me extraordinarily leaving me feeling desolate and upset about things I never had been vexed about. However, fortunately for me I found an outlet that helped me traverse my battles as an individual. At the point when I felt tragic I had a group to make me grin, or distraught I had something else to concentrate on. Softball instructed me to confide in individuals more and be increasingly open. Softball by then in life was a game as well as it was my life my solitary method of feeling happy with me as an individual yet in addition with everything at home. The mentors and partners I had all through secondary school enlivened me to be better, push the breaking point, and endeavor to be the best. At training I needed to endure my molding exercises as well as do them to my fulle st potential and push the breaking point. Not long after that I not just wound up needed to utilize my fullest potential on the field however with all that I did in life school work, tasks, and exactly at being a companion. I had battled with two things in softball keeping an inspirational mentality and hitting. So I continued taking a shot at my hitting and got trained at the plate just picking pitches I was certain I could get a bit of. This control helped me with everything using sound judgment, finishing my schoolwork to my fullest potential, and being the best individual I might be. My inspirational disposition was more enthusiastically to take a shot at however. It took me loads of growing up and mental assurance to push through just depending on the negatives and take a gander at all the beneficial things I had done. By overcoming my antagonistic hardest obstacle I had become an idealistic and constructive individual. Softball has assisted with being resolved, be the most ide al individual I can be, and make sense of how to through extreme things throughout everyday life. Continually being in a serious domain had helped me in the study hall and with life continually needing to be my best. Without softball being there to push me I don’t trust I would be the place I am at in my life today, a dedicated sure hopeful individual continually endeavoring to be my best and work harder to show signs of improvement at any assignment I am attempting to finish. For me softball was not only a game it was my establishment my beginning and end, something I would never abandon.

Friday, August 21, 2020

2 04CrusadesFacts Essay

2 04CrusadesFacts Essay 2 04CrusadesFacts Essay 1. What is a Crusade? Reestablish Christian principle over the region. 2. Significance of the Holy Land: hallowed for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. For Jews it is the guaranteed country. For Christians this is the place Jesus carried on with his life. For Islam Jerusalem is the holiest spot on earth Where Muhammad rose to paradise. 3. Byzantine Emperor: Alexius I Comnenus 4. Roman Catholic Pope: Most impressive figure in Europe. 5. Causes: a. ______all___ needed pardoning of sins and access to Christian blessed locales. b. ___pope______ needed to bring together Christianity c. _____knights____ needed experience and fortune d. _____kings____ needed more land e. ______merchants___ needed to extend markets and obtain new items f. _____peasants____wanted opportunity from administration on the house 6. Diminish the Hermit: sorted out workers and strays to go out and lecture the expression of God 7. The Crusades a. First Crusade 1096-1099 The principal Crusaders, drove by ___Godfrey of bouillon ______________________________, walked from Constantinople through grounds held by the Seljuk Turks to Antioch. ___constantinople_______, _____Antioch______, and ____Jerusalem_______ were caught by the Crusaders. The _____Edessa__________ and __the kingdom____________ were set up. The greater part of the Crusaders who had endure _and __returned home___________________. b. Second Crusade 1147-1149 Energy for the Crusades was at a __all time high________________. Sacred Orders of knights rode and battled, such as_____Teutonic knights___________, __Knights Hospitaller____________, and _____Knights Templar___________. Be that as it may, crusader assaults were inadequately composed, coming about in _____________. Like the First Crusade, numerous Crusaders ____returned home______________. c. Third Crusade 1187-1192 Saladin: believed that the Christian armed forces were unbelievers advertisement should have been ousted Richard the Lionheart (King Richard I): stayed to lead the Christian militaries d. Fourth Crusade 1202-1204 This Crusade was begun by the Pope, for the most part to ____increase________ the authority of the Church. The significant achievement of this Crusade end up being ____weakening ___________ the Byzantines enough that they could no longer hold off ______Muslim expantion______________. e. Last Crusades 1217-1272 Campaigns #5-8 were ____disorganized_____________ military endeavors with _____limited support___________. 8. Generally speaking Outcome of The Crusades: They all Failed 9. Children’s Crusade: A much discussed occasion

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Swearing Words Are Rarely, If Ever, Inert For Meaning - 1100 Words

Swearing: Words Are Rarely, If Ever, Inert For Meaning (Essay Sample) Content: SwearingStudents Name:Institution:Words are rarely, if ever, inert for meaningIn every day of our social interactions within the society, language is considered the preliminary communication medium. This is one of the most powerful ideas that guide communication in civility. In their book, The Keys to Academic English, Hale and Basides have sufficiently laid out the elements of effective communication. They focus most of their discussion on the extent to which the offensive capacity of the swearing language can impact communication. The two authors consider communication and language interconnection by depicting the formation and function of language as a predominant factor to the onset of a formal communication, (Hale and Basides, 2013).Further, Hale and Basides challenge the utility and efficiency of multilingualism. They assert that the proficiency registered by communication is a higher ideal rather than the ability to converse in multiple language. Their book tak es a deep exploration into scholarly communication through a les model where words used offensively affect the potential communication of an academic register, (Hale and Basides, 2013). Besides, the strategy to understand a language is portrayed by the desire or need for control over the form and content in language. Jay, 2009 suggests that the language content and form are the background against which an effective academic communication is keened on.Hale and Basides in their established framework argue that the academic register should not only follow established rules which are conventional to civility during communication, but also conform to what the social rules within the target audience dictates. According to Hale and Basides, 2013, "words are rarely, if ever, inert for meaning" (p. 57), since they are accompanied with several diverse meanings which vary from one social definition to another. Words, depend on the context of communication and the audience being involved, (Jay, 2009).The presence of swearing word in any communication makes it impossible to a meaningful communication. It is inappropriate for an individual to use swearing in academic registers. . Register refers to a special type of language that is socially defined, by formality or for specific application in a trade, profession, skill or other social division (Hale Basides, 2013, p. 58). On the other hand it is worth noting that offensive language is always accompanied by a socio-ethnic inspiration. For instance, in some communities, how some of its members apply the expressive language is often integrated down to their relationships with other members of the community, (White, 2002, pg. 31). Although not all expressive words are offensive, it is equally important to make sure that an individuals register does not offend to an extent of attracting condemnation from law enforcements such as hate speech, sexual harassment, Obscene telephone call or verbal abuse, (Jay, 2009)Swearing languag e can be given a binary prism approach on the nature of abusive or non-abusive swearing. Swearing is not static. Swearing is not static and is subject to a dichotomy that identifies swearing "as both socially integrative and for insult" (White, 2002, 31). Farrelly, 2015 in her article argues that everyone has the right to offend since the freedom to offend is a right fundamental to democracy. She suggests to endorse views of Abbot, 2012 that the test of hurt feelings is not compatible with free expression, and that for free speech to gain a meaning, it is the right of others to express what they dislike and it is the freedom to be objectionable and obnoxious.Although swearing allows individuals to vent their emotions, and conversational swearing is not itself insulting, it is subject to degeneration of abusive language, (McEnery, 2004). It would therefore befit an individual to exhibit a mastery of contest and evaluate situations so the register of choice enhances effectiveness in c ommunication. In other words, swear words should not only be shaped by situational factors in particular social settings (White, 2002, p. 32), but also facilitate communicative purposes, (McEnery, 2004).Using an appropriate register requires an individual to possess an elaborate repertoire. A developed repertoire avoids diction which may seem to dehumanize people, or desensitize race through descriptive and prescriptive language, (Freud, 2015). Failure to use euphemism stigmatizes people to their detriment. For instance, sexist language facilitates gendered discrimination. Conversely, terms such as handicapped or disabled to refer to people with disability are politically incorrect and they negate inherent dignity of these people, (Halmari, 2011). In this light, language should be used to promote the social advantage of the interlocutors, (Hale and Basides, 2013). Futhermore, language is a key factor in ordering harmonious relationship among people, (Rassool,2014).Nationally, a regi ster should be composed of communication which enhance cultural and social processes. Altogether, language relations should facilitate social cohesion as well as individual and national interests. Bahabha argues the need to give voice to what he suggests as border lives Bhabha also suggests to address our cultural differences in terms of our cultural values, therefore people or groups from different societies practice different expectation and demand on living which can cause conflict between each other as they may have different opinions and perspective on how their cultural Differences and values are being practiced.However, swearing words...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes Of The Great Awakening - 799 Words

4. Explain the causes of the Great Awakening, and describe its effects on American religion, education, and politics. Over time people felt that religion was dying, and not many people really had one or practiced one, people felt that they needed to revive religion and this was known as the Great Awakening. This Great Awakening started with the fundamentals of religion, and tried to bring people back to christianity. John Edwards was like the leader, he was the head preacher and explained that good salvation game from God and not from doing good. During this Great Awakening, there was another preacher who soon came along, his name was George Whitefield. George Whitefield brought emotion out of people, he was a great speaker, but†¦show more content†¦Since people were always busy working and doing other things, their spare time was for practicing their religion and worshiping. People’s hobbies and things they liked to do such as painting and other arts were also a waste of peoples time. Reading was not very common either, not only were they a waste of time but they were also very expe nsive as well. One of the people who printed books and papers in New York was a man named John Peter Zenger, he wrote about things against the governor and was soon sent to prison because of these acts. 6. Describe the basic features of colonial politics, including the role of various official and informal political institutions. Royal colonies were colonies that were given governors directly from the king. There were eleven colonies, eight of them were royal colonies, and the other three were proprietary colonies which mean that the people that controlled them were local proprietors. Most governors in these colonies got the job done and did a lot for their colonies, but there were some that became corrupt. More people were beginning to be able to vote, although it was limited to only men who were white, more white men were able to vote as well. Land did not limit people anymore, this was one of the things that affected this voting system. In the government more people were using reasoning and logic to solve governmentShow MoreRelatedEssay about Great Awakening912 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great Awakening was when religion was sweeping throughout New England with more conversions and church membership. This spiritual awakening took place from 1735 up until 1745. (Brief Outline Notes on the Great Awakening, 1735-45 ) Most of this had taken place within the American Colonies, especially New England.(McCormick, pars. 9) . The Great Awakening had many causes, however the consequences benefitted many. Many people were moving farther and farther away from religion, the GreatRead MoreAnalysis Of The First Great Awakening1219 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom late 17th century to early 18th century, the First Great Awakening was a period of religious growth throughout the British American colonies from approximately 1720 to the 1740s. This awakening was led by many religious figures such as John Wesley - a founder of Methodism in the Church of England, George Whitefield - an Anglican who preached throughout the colonies from 1739 to 1740, and Jonathan Edwards - an Apologist of the Great Awakening who led the revival in Northampton, Massachusetts. AlthoughRead MoreThe First Great Awakening By George Whitefield1709 Words   |  7 PagesThe First Great Awakening As stated by one of the fathers of the First Great Awakening, George Whitefield â€Å"True conversion means turning not only from sin but also from depending on self-made righteousness. Those who trust in their own righteousness for conversion hide behind their own good works. This is the reason that self-righteous people are so angry with gospel preachers, because the gospel does not spare those who will not submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ!† ( TheRead MoreEnlightenment And The Great Awakening814 Words   |  4 Pages In the 18th century, Enlightenment and the Great Awakening changed the idea of freedom for the colonists. The Great Awakening was a time of religious revival in the colonies. Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 18th century which emphasized economic and political freedom. American and British tensions grew in this time period due to Britain wanting America to be under the king’s control. Enlightenment, the Great Awa kening, the Founding Fathers, and different social groups changed theRead MoreAnalysis of the Great Awakening and Revolutionary Thought1655 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of the Great Awakening and Revolutionary Thought In the 1730s and the 1740s, religious revival swept through the New England and Middle Colonies. Through these revivals, the colonists came to view religion as a discrete and personal experience between God and man which, â€Å"undermined legally established churches and their tax supported ministers.† (Henretta, P. 112) Joseph Tracey was the first person to describe this period of revivalism as, ‘the Great Awakening.’ In 1841, Joseph TracyRead MoreThe American Revolution And The War For Independence779 Words   |  4 Pageslaws without representation from colonists, which led colonists to question the king’s authority. As a result, historians argue that the American Revolution was based on economics. More significant causes of the American Revolution were politics, culture, and religion. Politics were a significant cause because the colonist disliked the rules and regulations of the Charter that the King established. Culture also caused the Revolution due to the rational thinking of the Enlightenment. The EnlightenmentRead MoreThe Great Awakening And Enlightenment991 Words   |  4 Pages The ages of Great Awakening and Enlightenment were two of the earliest movements in the early colonies. These movements proved that people can be influenced in many different ways in relation to politics and religion. The Great Awakening called for the revival of the evangelical movement, while the age of Enlightenment took the focus off of the traditional church and dared colonists to apply individualistic views of religion, thus birthing many new religious denominations that challenged traditionalRead MoreImpact of Second Great Awakening on Modern Society1415 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of the Second Great Awakening in Modern-Day Society The Second Great Awakening laid the foundations of the development of present-day religious beliefs and establishments, moral views, and democratic ideals in the United States. Beginning back in late eighteenth century and lasting until the middle of the nineteenth century,1 this Protestant awakening sought to reach out the un-churched and bring people to a much more personal and vivid experience of Christianity. Starting on the SouthernRead More Kate Chopin Gives a Womans Voice to Realism Essay example1173 Words   |  5 Pageswoman in the society Chopin creates is of special interest and relevance. (Robinson 6) Introduction to Kate Chopin Before Kate Chopin came onto the writing scene, women had an insignificant role in society. Women never did anything that would cause some sort of controversy. All literature focused around a male main character as well. Most stories being written at the time were about male characters and their stories, not the women. Kate Chopin changed that. Kate Chopin was born KatherineRead MoreReligious Revitalization Movement : The First Great Awakening1658 Words   |  7 PagesReligious Revitalization Movement, The First Great Awakening The First Great Awakening, was a religious revitalization movement that came through the Atlantic region, and even more so in the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, forever impacting American religion is widely known as the most important event for American religion during the eighteenth century. The First Great Awakening was inspired by an English Methodist known as George Whitefield along with other ministers, when many people

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dead Man Walking Analysis Of The Movie Essay Example For Students

Dead Man Walking Analysis Of The Movie Essay People in society today have changed their feelings towards humanity and religious practises. This change is seen clearly in the movie Dead Man Walking. The characters go through changes in their view of religion and their feelings about human morality and humanity towards each other. The characters of Sister Helen, Matthew, and the victims parents all went through these changes during the movie for different reasons. These emotional changes that the characters went through are very common. Everyone changes their ideals and morals depending on their situation. Matthews ideals changed because he feared that he was going to die alone. Sister Helens feelings changed because she saw a side of Matthew that no one else was able to see. The parents of the victim Hope were filled with revenge because of what Matthew did, not why he did it. The father of the victim Walter was very sympathetic, he understanding of what Matthew was going through. SISTER HELEN Sister Helen was very unsure about what she was doing in life. She became a nun to give back to the community which gave her good Christian morals and values. By becoming a nun she was able to teach others to respect life and become more like Jesus A Son of God. As a child Sister Helen was taught to be very supportive and to give this support to those who needed her help. When confronted with Matthew, Sister Helen tries to see the good in him and show him the respect she believes he deserves. She believes that there is good in all man and that every person deserves respect. Sister Helen understands that what Matthew did was wrong, but she also knows that every person is worth more than their worst act, and that ,No man deserves to die . . . . In Sister Helens mind every man deserves a chance. From insight into her background and Christian upbringing Sister Helen is able to see and feel for Matthew as a person and not as an object of scum or as a monster . The medias understanding and the victims parents understanding is that Sister Helen believes that Matthew was wronged by the system. They feel like they have been betrayed by a Gods messenger Sister Helen. To them Sister Helen is on Matthews side by helping him find God. Sister Helen is being torn apart because she does no want to hurt anyones feelings. She is compassionate and sympathetic to everyones feelings, but does not mean to hurt any by her actions of helping a murderer find God. At the end of the movie Sister Helen wants Matthew to see a face of love Hers not one of hate and resentment The Victims Parents. This means a lot to her because she has seen Matthew the person no longer Matthew the monster. Sister Helen felt compassionate towards Matthew because of the person he had become through getting to know her and understand what she believed and wanted. MATTHEW At the beginning of the movie Matthew is rude and abrupt to Sister Helen thats what happens on death row, you start to hate and resent everyone. Matthew never thought that he would be visiting with a nun. Soon Matthew trusts Sister Helen and persuades her to help him by filing a petition not to kill him by lethal injection. This was a turning point in his attitude in understanding right and wrong. Matthew thinks that he got screwed by the system thats why hes going to die, not because he did something wrong. Matthew never had anyone that really cared about him except Sister Helen. .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .postImageUrl , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:hover , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:visited , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:active { border:0!important; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:active , .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf7a15ed7702812a19c85b662ba1527d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Analysis for you EssayMatthew was always lonely and only cared about number one Himself . By talking and sharing with Sister Helen he starts to understand what he did was wrong. Matthews mother was asked to pled for his life. This allowed the media and the parents of the victims to see him as someones child much like their own, and to explain that he was good boy not a monster. She explained in court that he had, had a hard life but he was a good boy. Matthew wanted to protect his mother and not let her see him on trial for what he did. Matthew wanted to keep his pride by not seeing his mother crying for him. He wanted her to be happy and to not worry about him. This compassion is crucial to the total change in ideals and morals that Matthew has now After knowing Sister Helen. Matthew was going through a lot of changes now that he was going to die within a week. His understanding of life and humanity changed drastically from being a racist, saying that all the Black are victims and keep having slavery, to feeling compassion to everyone. Many of these feelings are because of his understanding of human life, as his life nears the end. This changes are all caused by the situation he is in. At the end Matthew hopes that the father of Walter the victim can forgive him and accept that he knows what he was wrong and should be punished for it, but not punished to death. Hopes farther does forgive him at the vary end of the movie. As for the parents of Hope, Matthew hopes that his death makes them happy even after the death of their son. Matthew also accepts responsibility for what he did and Sister Helen explains to him that by doing that he is now a son of God and can die with dignity. This is what was needed for Matthew, as a person.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Use tables or graphs to illustrate the price stability performance of Japan Essay Example

Use tables or graphs to illustrate the price stability performance of Japan Essay Japans economic slump, which began with a stock market crash in 1989, now lies in its fourth recession in ten years. The Asian banking and financial crisis has had a profound effect on this, the second largest economy in the world. Japanese under performing banks are carrying Yen150 trillion ($1.3 trillion) of bad loans. State-run corporations are dragging productivity down, unemployment is rising and Japanese consumer confidence remains low. Macroeconomic policy is proving highly unstable as Japans illness that of deflation remains predominant. Price stability is defined as the sustained absence of both inflation and deflation. (Mc Aleese: p.294, 2001). Further economic agents can make decisions regarding economic activity without being concerned about the fluctuation of the general price level. Along with effective fiscal policy, the control of government spending, low unemployment levels, controlled interest rates and hence inflation rates, macroeconomic policy is maintained. The most serious aspect of Japans economic sickness is deflation. Japans paralysis, where ineffective control measures have had many negative results, will now be discussed. Price Stability: We will write a custom essay sample on Use tables or graphs to illustrate the price stability performance of Japan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Use tables or graphs to illustrate the price stability performance of Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Use tables or graphs to illustrate the price stability performance of Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Price stability, or rather instability in Japans case, is characterised by the prolonged presence of deflation. The stock market is hovering around a 19 year low. The Nikkei 225, the most commonly used Share Price Index, had stood at 14 times the Dow through the 1980s. However in February 2002 it dropped below the Dow Jones Industrial for the first time since 1957. Japans persistent decline in the general price level is again indicated by the Consumer Price Index. Prices have shown a 1% fall per annum. These falling price levels have increased real debt burdens. National debt stands at over 130% of GDP ( Also Japans banks are chronically weak and burdened by duff loans of Yen37 trillion, about 7% of GDP. So Japanese banks have been left carrying excess bad loans, forcing them to cut lending. Together with depressed consumer spending it has proved impossible for the Bank of Japan to deliver the negative real interest rates that the economy needs to revive demand. Interest rates in Japan stand at virtually 0%. However most companies are not investing but paying down their debts (mentioned above). This adverse impact on investment is also due to the fact that real long-term interest rates in Japan have reached high percentages. The fact that interest rates stand at zero has kept inefficient firms afloat and delayed restructuring. This has contradicted Japans bust advantage. Structural adjustment and creative destruction can prove positive outcomes of negative fluctuations. However, rigid labour and product markets, along with the Japanese keiretsu relationship have hindered the weeding out of inefficient firms. Simultaneously, low interest rates have led to low inflation rates (-0.6% in 2001). This has reflected weak demand and thus the economic slowdown. These supply-side factors, such as the intensification of global competition and deregulation, have put additional downward pressure on prices. This is contributing to the high debt ratio and subsequent price destruction. This bout of recession and deflation has not only had negative impact on CPI, share prices, investment and inflation but also on property prices. Since 1991, commercial property prices have dropped by an average of 84% in Japans six biggest cities ( Housing demand has also collapsed since 1996. Analysis: It remains evident that Japans economy lies in uncertainty, where consistent unstable price performance has given rise to the lost decade. Its current situation comprises of internal factors (e.g. buyer uncertainty) and external factors (e.g. the U.S. current bubble burst). These counter-cyclical variables have had the following negative effect the decrease in economic activity in Japan has led to the increased unemployment rate (+5.3%), bankruptcies, non-performance loans etc. Analysing Japans current prolonged crisis, it becomes evident that it displays attributes of Keynesian economics. The existing shifts in aggregate demand, the low rate of investment and price rigidities, all clearly display this. Price stability is an indispensable prerequisite to ensure sustainable development of the economy (Masaru Hayami, Governor Bank of Japan). 77 year-old Mr. Hayami however has failed so far to deliver such a position. This political paralysis, where political resistance to reform is demonstrated, is hindering Japans recovery. Again, the current Japanese Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi (elected April 2001), who unveiled a series of economic reforms has met with little success against this rigid political system, resistant to reform. Furthermore his termination of Makiko Tanaka (his Foreign Minister) in January 2002, along with his lack of co-operation with Economics Minister, Heizo Takenaka, has left Japan still in search of a cure. Is there Evidence of Inflation or Deflation in Japan at the moment? What problems might be associated with very low inflation or deflation? Deflation is defined as the persistent decline in the general price level of goods and services1. The most common measure of inflation statistics is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In Japan, this has fallen at a rate of about 1% since 1999. If the GDP Deflator is used this deflationary trend can be traced back to 1995. The difference between potential and actual GDP is called the output gap. This is another indicator of price stability (or instability). Price stability is defined as the sustained absence of deflation (falling prices) and inflation (rising prices). It is fundamental to the second pillar of the new consensus, macroeconomic stability. Therefore policy makers welcome disinflation and low inflation. Owing to the bias2 in constructing CPI indices, an inflation rate of 0-2% has become acceptable. There are certain costs of changing prices regardless of whether these are due to high inflation or deflation. There is a loss in efficiency as menu costs and shoe leather costs are incurred. Additionally, the necessary fiscal and monetary policies required to attain stability are costly. More specifically, why is deflation problematic? Initially, falling prices seem like a good thing and people feel as if they have more money in their pockets to spend. Even those on a fixed income, (state pensions, social welfare) benefit from an increase in real income. In spite of all this, the far-reaching contagion effects of deflation mean it is a phenomenon to be avoided. Rather than spending more on the goods, which they can now afford, a continuous fall in prices means that consumer and investor spending actually slows down. Consumers and businesses are reluctant to buy goods, which they expect to drop in value in the near future. Such speculation curbs investment and saving increases. In an effort to encourage borrowing for investment, nominal interest rates fall and approach zero. Since the nominal interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding money, savings further increase. This fall in investment demand and activity retards economic growth. Furthermore, since the nominal interest rate cannot fall below zero, the real interest rate will always be positive. In times of deflation, the burden of debt therefore increases. It would seem that lenders gain and borrowers lose. The problem for lenders occurs when debt rises too high and borrowers cannot afford repayments. Banks who earn profits through loan repayments cannot attract big borrowers. T his type of debt deflation is the main problem in the Japanese economy today but is also reminiscent of the Great Depression in the 1930s. In times of low economic growth, it is typical to lower the currency value thereby making exports more attractive to foreign investors. However, the low nominal interest rates induced by deflation have caused foreign demand for the Yen to rise. The Yen remains strong and exports remain relatively expensive. On the whole, wages are accepted to be ratchet. This means that even if prices are falling, the nominal wage rate will not fall. Higher debt repayments and squeezed profits mean that the pressure on companies to cut costs is twofold. This leads to a Darwinian shake-out as companies see job cuts as the only option to save on costs. Deflation is clearly at the root of Japans failing economy. Policy makers must now look to the formulation and implementation of an effective plan to fight deflation if there is any hope of a recovery.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Roe vs Wade Ruling

Roe vs Wade Ruling This refers to the 1973 controversial case where the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional all state laws that prevented women from procuring an abortion. In many states, abortion was considered the killing of the unborn hence it was unconstitutional.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Roe vs Wade Ruling the Result of the Supreme Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The states regulated abortion since they only allowed it when the life of the mother was in danger. The Dallas court ruled that women had to be allowed to procure an abortion at any stage. The court observed that a woman would conduct an abortion at the first trimester, as well as the second, but it outlawed abortion at the third trimester. However, the decision of the court was that abortion could still be conducted at the third trimester provided the health of the mother was in danger. The ruling of the court was controversial since it divided the nat ion into two factions, with one side supporting the decision while another faction was opposed to the decision. The culture wars that are currently experienced in the country are the result of the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade ruling. The states restricted abortion mainly because women had no right to make decisions on reproduction. The decision came at the time when feminism was taking root in the country. Some of the feminist law scholars claimed that the constitutional rights of Roe had been violated since the Texas law could not allow her to procure an abortion, yet she was uncomfortable with it. Roe observed that she could not tour a different state since she was pregnant. In this regard, she had to be permitted to end the pregnancy in a safer setting. The District Attorney, Wade, was mentioned as the correspondent. The jury established that the Texas law had violated the rights of the complainant, Roe. The state attorney was not satisfied with the decision of the Dallas Court a nd he decided to appeal to the Supreme Court to review the case once more. The Supreme Court conducted an assessment on the decision of the Dallas court in 1971 and 1972. The Supreme Court gave a decision that upheld the previous ruling, claiming that the Texas law had violated the constitutional rights of Roe. It was established that her right to privacy had been compromised hence she had to be allowed to procure an abortion. The Supreme Court invoked the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments in issuing the ruling. In the constitution, the above amendments suggest that issues related to marriage, the use of contraception, ant the upbringing of children are private. In this regard, the court upheld that women have the right to decide whether to keep the pregnancy or terminate it.Advertising Looking for essay on administrative law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ruling of the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wad e is still under review among societal members since some individuals believe that life is sacred and should be preserved under all conditions. Some are of the view that abortion should only be procured at some stages, but once a fetus is five months old, it should not be disturbed unless the life of the mother is in danger. Some conservatives suggest that abortion should not be allowed to go on in society since it amounts to murder. In this regard, it should be illegalized and all those found doing it should be prosecuted. On the other hand, liberals argue that abortion should be legalized and the government should offer free abortion to all women since it is their constitutional right.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

ESSAY To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal

To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal democratic states changed in recent decades In your answer, ex - Essay Example Modern democracy can be dated from the late 18th century although medieval Poland and some states of the Greek cities had democratic aspects. Democracy as the rule by people. In order for a country to be considered democratic, it should choose its leaders using competitive and fair elections. It should adhere to the constitution and ensure fundamental civil liberties. While some analysts assert that a democracy needs to have a strong civil society, civic culture, and capitalist economy, others do not include these criteria when defining democracy. Democratization is therefore the process by which a country adopts such a regime as defined above. This means that when a country is democratized, it is democratic. It also means that every other person is entitled to his or her opinion regarding matters that concern governance. Unlike dictatorial regimes where one voice speaks and others follow, in democratic regimes it is the voices of the majority rule. This means that in case of electio ns or matters that bring disagreement, every person is given an opportunity to stand by what he or she thinks is the right option. As stated above democratization is a relatively recent practice. In the early days, monarchs ruled nations. These were kings and queens and in some cases, the church. The king’s word was final. ... There however seems to be little agreement among political analysts regarding how the process of democratization occurs, including the criteria used to ascertain if democratization has indeed occurred. Many countries adopt democratic governments only to watch them collapse through military coups and other revolts that lead to authoritarian regimes. The first pointer is that citizens should be able to govern themselves by conducting regular elections, which determine their top leaders periodically. This is referred to as representative democracy. These regular elections also serve as avenues through which policies that govern the people are chosen. An example is the voting process which determines if a constitution is to be passed or not through a referendum. Secondly, the right to vote is accorded to all adults. This however has been a recent addition since governments that were referred to as democratic not so long ago used to exclude women, slaves, and free males who did not meet c ertain literacy or property requirements. If a country restricts this franchise from the voting process, then it cannot be considered as democratic. A perfect example is the apartheid regime in South Africa whereby the only people who voted were minority whites. The third indicator is the acceptance of democratic rights. These particular rights include the right to contest for the highest office, the right to have everyone’s vote count equally, the right to vote and the right to create and form political parties and groups. Then there is a law, which is above the state. All authorities on the particular country should adhere to this law. It provides the framework for democratic rule and protects the democratic rights of the people. Therefore,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Macroeconomic Influences and Future Trends Essay

Macroeconomic Influences and Future Trends - Essay Example For instance, the effects of factors like gender, marital status or ethnicity could either be strong or weak depending on their interactions with each other. It is like they borrow something from other factors in order to reinforce the strength of their impacts. Income is important for one simple reason. It determines peoples capability to purchase health care products and services. Wealthy people or wealthy countries are in a better position to secure better health than those from poorer class and countries because they can afford it. Fuchs pointed this out when he explained the relationship between health and income in a cross country analysis, where it was found that life expectancy is related to Gross Domestic Product per capita (Fuchs, 2004, p. 655). The high income class or those people who have the purchasing power also exert influence in the performance of the health care market within several economic principles such as perfect competition. Consumers could help drive up demand for certain products and services. The fact is that strong and capable consumer sector means vibrant health care market that necessitates best performance from all stakeholders such as the government and health care producers. The economic status of countries is also significant in the differences in medical standards followed both in education and in practice. In higher income societies, the health care industry can reach its most ideal condition because most elements are present and working. Such capability also launches several variables such as political pressure. The collective strength of consumers could help shape policymaking as engagement or activism can assume the role of a pressure group. This is significant given the fact that governments h ave the power to intervene, control and regulate health care. In cases of budgetary gaps, for example, the macroeconomic conditions are significantly altered, say, when the government

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The god-like Achilles Essay Example for Free

The god-like Achilles Essay In the Iliad, there were many characters that exhibit god-like or superhuman qualities. But one character stood out. He has this god-like strength and superhuman courage to fight and risk his life for his people and allies. He has also been a descendant of the god themselves. And it was no other than Achilles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Achilles was the hero of the famous Trojan War where Helen of Troy is said to be the main reason for that bloody war. Achilles parents were Peleus and Thetis. Peleus, the king of Myrmidons, was a mortal. Thetis was an immortal sea nymph. From Achilles’ parents, it can be seen that Achilles belongs to the line of gods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the epic poem, Achilles portrayed anger which resembles the gods. In the first part of the epic poem, Achilles’ anger was described. This shows how much revenge he wants to those who have done wrong to him. â€Å"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul did it send hurrying down to Hades, and many a hero did it yield a prey to dogs and vultures, for so were the counsels of Jove fulfilled from the day on which the son of Atreus, king of men, and great Achilles, first fell out with one another.†(Book 1 Verse 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also in Book 1, during the intense argument exchange of Agamemnon and Achilles, Achilles got angry and tried to attack Agamemnon. Achilles’ rage was uncontrolled and this drives him to attack and tried to kill Agamemnon. This show how prone to anger Achilles was. It is a good thing that Minerva was sent to stop the raging Achilles.It is shown through the following lines in Book 1: â€Å"The son of Peleus was furious, and his heart within his shaggy breast was divided whether to draw his sword, push the others aside, and kill the son of Atreus, or to restrain himself and check his anger. While he was thus in two minds, and was drawing his mighty sword from its scabbard, Minerva came down from heaven and seized the son of Peleus by his yellow hair, visible to him alone, for of the others no man could see her.†(Book 1 verse 19) Achilles’ overwhelming strength is also described by Agamemnon when he said that:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"That man (Achilles) is worth an entire army,/ the fighter Zeus holds   dear with all his heart..(Book 9)† Achilles was compared to an entire army which is commonly described when mortals would battle a god. Gods are like an entire army and is very hard to defeat.   His great strength is truly feared by many and so like the gods who are also feared by many mortals. Achilles also showed no mercy when Book 21, Lycaon asked for mercy to spare his life. But the outraged Achilles answered: Idiot, said he, talk not to me of ransom. Until Patroclus fell I preferred to give the Trojans quarter, and sold beyond the sea many of those whom I had taken alive; but now not a man shall live of those whom heaven delivers into my hands before the city of Iliusand of all Trojans it shall fare hardest with the sons of Priam. Therefore, my friend, you too shall die.† (Book 21 verse 6)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Achilles’ rage led him to give no mercy to the devastated Lycaon. This instance shows how fiery Achilles just like the other gods.   During Hector’s death, he asked Achilles that his body shall be returned to the Trojans. But Achilles refused and said to Hector:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dog, talk not to me neither of knees nor parents;    would   that I could be as sure of being able to cut your flesh into pieces and eat it raw, for the ill you have done me, as I am that nothing shall save you from the dogsit shall not be. (Book 22 Verse 22) Achilles, just like the other gods, showed great pride. Achilles stated that even the wealth of Egypt shall be offered to him, he would no change his decision. This can be seen through the following statements he said:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"he may offer me gifts as the sands of the sea or the dust of the plain in multitude, but even so he shall not move me till I have been revenged in full for the bitter wrong he has done me.† (Book 9 verse 20)    Achilles was also described to be godlike through symbolisms. One is when he wore his armor in Book 1 and was described to be blazing like the sun. His comparison to the sun was just like that of the god Helios. The brightness of the fire would signify great divinity and power. Another is the manner of the creation of Achilles’ armor and shield. They were both created by the smith Hepaesthus, the god of fire. The shield was filled and forged with intricate designs suitable for a god and the armor were made indestructible and were also suitable for a god. These items were made special and deserve only the rightful owner and that was the mortal Achilles. This shows that Achilles has god-like qualities that made Hepaesthus create an armor and a shield for him. From the above examples and citations, we can say that among the characters in The Iliad, one mortal stood-out to possess superhuman and god-like qualities such as selfishness, great rage due to anger, and overwhelming pride, and that was Achilles.    References Homer. The Iliad Trans. Robert Fagles: Penguin Group, 1990.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Correcting Librarian Stereotypes Essay -- Library Career Profession

What do picture when you think of librarians? Librarians are often stereotyped as being conservative, orderly, thorough, and passive (1, 2, 3)? Perhaps the best known librarian stereotype is the "spinsterly and authoritarian naysayer over-concerned with regulations and maintaining a hushed library environment" (4). But where do these stereotypes come from, and are they really true? Perhaps librarians' professional invisibility is to blame for some of the stereotypes. Most people think that everyone who works in libraries is a librarian, and that librarian duties consist mainly of shelving and checking out books (5, 6). Think again! Librarians are not usually involved in shelving and circulation responsibilities. Much of the work librarians do isn't visible to library users. And even a children's story time involves behind-the-scenes work and knowledge. The history of libraries and librarianship may also contribute to these stereotypes. Public libraries were often started to "improve" working people, and librarians often really were "goody two shoes" (7). But although they still take their social responsibilities seriously, the librarians (and libraries) of today are very different. Keep reading to find out what librarians really do and who they really are. But first, follow me on a technological history of librarians. Where did the original stereotype of librarians as bun-wearing "shush-ers" come from? Let's think low tech--before the days of advanced communication technology, ideas were spread through word of mouth and writing. So did these traditional images come from interactions with real librarians which were then communicated amongst people and accepted into our society's lore of the librar...>. In "Module 3: Introduction to Information and Digital Representations." LIBR 500: Foundations of Information Technology, Web CT Reading, Mary Sue Stephenson. 22. Stephenson, Mary Sue. "Module 3: Introduction to Information and Digital Representations." LIBR 500: Foundations of Information Technology, Web CT Reading. 23. Rybash, John M., Paul A. Roodin, and William J. Hoyer. Adult Development and Aging, 3d ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1995. 24. Scherdin, Mary Jane, and Anne Beaubien. "Shattering Our Stereotype: Librarians' New Image." Library Journal 12 (1 July 1995): 35-8. 25. Houdyshell, Mara, Patricia A. Robles, and Hua Yi. "What Were You Thinking: If You Could Choose Librarianship Again, Would You?" Information Outlook 3 (July 1999): 19-23.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Language Background and the Speech Community

Being born in Russia, Russian is my native language. According to the Refugee Council, Russian is extensively used as a language for communication of all the Slavic languages. Statistically speaking, most people in the Russian Foundation and other independent federations are speakers of the Russian Language. (Refugee Council, 2008) Moreover, the Russian language is distinguished by the United Nations as one that belongs to the list of six official languages all over the world. (Today Translations, 2008) To illustrate the far-reaching influence of the Russian language, let us enumerate the countries with major Russian speaking populations, such as Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, not to mention Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Russian is not considered as the official language in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, however it is popularly used in, most especially in business and government communications. Other countries, like Finland for example, also have a Russian speaking population composed of the minority inhabitants. (Infoplease, 2008) The Russian language does not follow a formal system or rules. It concentrates on the reproduction of sounds and stress that is stated in variation with the attached denotative or connotative meaning of the words in a statement. Russian language, together with the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages have emerged from the Slavonic language that originated from the East. (Today Translations, 2008) Since the Russian language is more focused on the phonetic aspect of speaking, the language is primarily based on the Russian alphabet or what historians call the Cyrillic Alphabet. Apparently, the alphabet originated not from Russia, but from Greece. The onset of Greek missions who happened to arrive at Istanbul proliferated the use of the Cyrillic alphabet that is primarily based on the Greek alphabet. Needless to say, the Russian language traces back its influences from Greece. (Orbislingua, 2008) I belong to a community that upholds discipline within the self and as a citizen of Russian and the maintenance of the good of all the citizens, not just oneself. Just like our political system, everything is organized and judged in our every day life according to what is good for all. Close relationships between others is evident in how we deal with others and our way of welcoming them with affectionate actions and gestures. In addition to this, most of us are cynical and distrustful. The uniqueness of the Russian language may be traced to the distinct sentence patterns and sounds and stress produced in speaking Russian. The structure of the sentences does not follow a particular rule or pattern, but is dependent on how the speaker wants to say it. For instance, to emphasize an adjective, it goes first in the sentence. On the other hand, if the noun is emphasized in the sentence, then it goes first. (Orbislingua, 2008) In addition, the use of articles, transitional or connecting phrases and words (such as is, are, a, an, the, etc.), does not really apply in speaking the Russian language. Therefore, if a native Russian speaker attempts to speak in English, then it would be difficult for native Russian speakers to create a complete and a grammatically sound and correct English statement due to certain deficiencies.   Furthermore, most consonants in the Russian language produce sounds that are almost similar to the â€Å"s† sound and utilizes the movement of the tongue in speaking. This greatly contributes to the unique nature and phonetic aspect of the use of the Russian Language. (Orbislingua, 2008) The similarities of the Russian language to the English language, for instance, is evident in the three tenses of English verbs that also applies to the verbs of the Russian language. At times, it also follows the order and structure of the sentences in the English language, however the Russian sentence order and structure is more accommodating to the situation in which two Russian speakers are talking. (Orbislingua, 2008) References Infoplease. (2008). Languages by Countries. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from HighBeam Orbislingua. (2008). Russian language. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from Website: Refugee Council. (2008). Language background of major refugee groups to UK. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from Refugee Council. Website: Today Translations. (2008). Russian Language History. Retrieved March 14, 2008, from Today                  

Monday, January 6, 2020

Comparison Poetry Essay - 2397 Words

Poetry Essay Each one of the poems offers a unique view upon love. The first poem by Robert Herrick, To the Virgins to make much of Time, focuses upon the idea of carpe diem. The poem stresses the idea of marriage while love and flesh are still young and believes this gift of virginity to be a great waste if not given while it is still desirable. Marvell also uses the carpe diem theme to his poem ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ however with three certain sections within the poem. The first part elaborates on the idea of unlimited time; this then evolves a ‘but’ into the poem that everything must come to end and death catches up upon us. Then in the last third of the poem the word ‘therefore’ comes into play as the poet says that we should enjoy†¦show more content†¦Herrick tries to scare the reader into marriage, he does not with for them to be without protection but the carpe diem theme also suggests that they must go and seize the day, while they are still in prime and youth, so they are not wasted. This is summed up in the fourth and last stanza of the poem ‘for having lost but once your prime, / you may for ever tarry’. Marvell also uses the carpe diem theme to his poem ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ however with three certain sections within the poem. The first part elaborates on the idea of unlimited time; this then evolves a ‘but’ into the poem that everything must come to end and death catches up upon us. Then in the last third of the poem the word ‘therefore’ comes into play as the poet says that we should enjoy the time we now have with one another. The main point of the poem is for Marvell to persuade his coy mistress ‘to sport’ (now let us sport us why we may) and at first glance appears to use conventional methods to get his time of pleasure. The ‘Coy Mistress’ within the title may imply a complicated relationship with coy meaning a shy, quiet reserved person, not the sort of person that one would imagine ‘to sport’. Also the word mistress derives from the word ‘master’ and gives a sense of authority. During the first stanza of Marvell’s poem he tries to persuade his mistress, praising her using conventional ways ‘to walk and pass our love’s long day’. Marvell explains that they will live and love one anotherShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of Poetry Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesA Comparison of Poetry In this essay two poems will be juxtaposed. One of the poems is called My parents kept me from children who were rough. This poem was written by Stephen Spender. 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