Thursday, May 28, 2020

Swearing Words Are Rarely, If Ever, Inert For Meaning - 1100 Words

Swearing: Words Are Rarely, If Ever, Inert For Meaning (Essay Sample) Content: SwearingStudents Name:Institution:Words are rarely, if ever, inert for meaningIn every day of our social interactions within the society, language is considered the preliminary communication medium. This is one of the most powerful ideas that guide communication in civility. In their book, The Keys to Academic English, Hale and Basides have sufficiently laid out the elements of effective communication. They focus most of their discussion on the extent to which the offensive capacity of the swearing language can impact communication. The two authors consider communication and language interconnection by depicting the formation and function of language as a predominant factor to the onset of a formal communication, (Hale and Basides, 2013).Further, Hale and Basides challenge the utility and efficiency of multilingualism. They assert that the proficiency registered by communication is a higher ideal rather than the ability to converse in multiple language. Their book tak es a deep exploration into scholarly communication through a les model where words used offensively affect the potential communication of an academic register, (Hale and Basides, 2013). Besides, the strategy to understand a language is portrayed by the desire or need for control over the form and content in language. Jay, 2009 suggests that the language content and form are the background against which an effective academic communication is keened on.Hale and Basides in their established framework argue that the academic register should not only follow established rules which are conventional to civility during communication, but also conform to what the social rules within the target audience dictates. According to Hale and Basides, 2013, "words are rarely, if ever, inert for meaning" (p. 57), since they are accompanied with several diverse meanings which vary from one social definition to another. Words, depend on the context of communication and the audience being involved, (Jay, 2009).The presence of swearing word in any communication makes it impossible to a meaningful communication. It is inappropriate for an individual to use swearing in academic registers. . Register refers to a special type of language that is socially defined, by formality or for specific application in a trade, profession, skill or other social division (Hale Basides, 2013, p. 58). On the other hand it is worth noting that offensive language is always accompanied by a socio-ethnic inspiration. For instance, in some communities, how some of its members apply the expressive language is often integrated down to their relationships with other members of the community, (White, 2002, pg. 31). Although not all expressive words are offensive, it is equally important to make sure that an individuals register does not offend to an extent of attracting condemnation from law enforcements such as hate speech, sexual harassment, Obscene telephone call or verbal abuse, (Jay, 2009)Swearing languag e can be given a binary prism approach on the nature of abusive or non-abusive swearing. Swearing is not static. Swearing is not static and is subject to a dichotomy that identifies swearing "as both socially integrative and for insult" (White, 2002, 31). Farrelly, 2015 in her article argues that everyone has the right to offend since the freedom to offend is a right fundamental to democracy. She suggests to endorse views of Abbot, 2012 that the test of hurt feelings is not compatible with free expression, and that for free speech to gain a meaning, it is the right of others to express what they dislike and it is the freedom to be objectionable and obnoxious.Although swearing allows individuals to vent their emotions, and conversational swearing is not itself insulting, it is subject to degeneration of abusive language, (McEnery, 2004). It would therefore befit an individual to exhibit a mastery of contest and evaluate situations so the register of choice enhances effectiveness in c ommunication. In other words, swear words should not only be shaped by situational factors in particular social settings (White, 2002, p. 32), but also facilitate communicative purposes, (McEnery, 2004).Using an appropriate register requires an individual to possess an elaborate repertoire. A developed repertoire avoids diction which may seem to dehumanize people, or desensitize race through descriptive and prescriptive language, (Freud, 2015). Failure to use euphemism stigmatizes people to their detriment. For instance, sexist language facilitates gendered discrimination. Conversely, terms such as handicapped or disabled to refer to people with disability are politically incorrect and they negate inherent dignity of these people, (Halmari, 2011). In this light, language should be used to promote the social advantage of the interlocutors, (Hale and Basides, 2013). Futhermore, language is a key factor in ordering harmonious relationship among people, (Rassool,2014).Nationally, a regi ster should be composed of communication which enhance cultural and social processes. Altogether, language relations should facilitate social cohesion as well as individual and national interests. Bahabha argues the need to give voice to what he suggests as border lives Bhabha also suggests to address our cultural differences in terms of our cultural values, therefore people or groups from different societies practice different expectation and demand on living which can cause conflict between each other as they may have different opinions and perspective on how their cultural Differences and values are being practiced.However, swearing words...

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